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Displaying 61 - 68 of 68 results

Unity 5 is a nice package, but the packaging is lacking
Unity 5 has been out for a while now and I've had some time to play with it. It's a really solid release, but while the editor is great, Unity is still fairl...

Unity Labs
Easily the highest quality example project Unity has made. Looks fantastic, even by today's standards. You can make your own Mass Effect game using these ass...

Vertex color lens flares
An article by Simon Schreibt on how to create lens flares using vertex colors rather than textures enabling them to be scaled infinitely with no loss in...

Viking Village example project
This project has extremely high quality textures. A lot of very high quality 4K normal map detail textures for example. A single one of these textures was al...

Visual and aural player detection
A short, but very informative video by David Rosen on one way to approach player detection in a stealth game.

Volumetric lights
Brilliant looking volumetric light effect which can be used to generate lightshafts on directional lights and spotlights. Created by Robert Cupisz.

Wasted potential: Monument Valley
Monument Valley is one of the most frustrating games I have ever played. Not frustrating because it is particularly bad or because it is hard, but...

Work in progress etc. etc.
Hi there and welcome to my new site. For the moment this site is just used to host some of my unfinished Unity projects. The layout and everything else is...