This is a collection of the best Unity and game development resources I've found.
This includes tutorials, assets, tips & guides, and some official, unsupported Unity tutorials and projects I'm hosting
here so they don't disappear forever.
The best Unity and game development tutorials I've found, both written tutorials and video tutorials.
Recently a VFX artist named Kevin Leroy posted a bunch of fan-made League of Legends ability effects made in Unity on Reddit, and they are easily some of the best VFX I've seen in Unity.
A ridicoulous collection of spectacular articles by Amit Patel about algorithms related to game development. His interactive examples are mind blowing.
A written tutorial by Rafal Wilinski on how to create an animated particle sea effect in Unity. Shows how to manipulate a particle system through code and how to use Perlin noise.
Assets like image effects, tools, models, textures etc. that you can just drop into your Unity projects.
A seamless editor extension for Unity which gives you very intuitive handles for editing 2d joints. A must have if you do any work involving 2d joints. Made By Firtina Ozbalikci.
The best antialiasing currently available for Unity if you're using deferred shading and it's completely free and open source. Created by Thomas Hourdel.
An article by Simon Schreibt on how to create lens flares using vertex colors rather than textures enabling them to be scaled infinitely with no loss in quality.
A great article by Derek Yu about how Spelunky on XBLA came to be.
Old official projects
These projects have been removed from the Unity Asset Store and the official Unity website because they are
not longer supported. I'm hosting them here because I feel there are still a lot of value in them.
Disclaimer: These projects are no longer officially supported. Most likely you'll get no support from me either, just use take them for what they are.
My favorite Unity example project. The character model is excellent, but so are most of the assets in this project and some of the scripts are really useful.
Outdated by today's standards, but the track itself is fun to play around with and can be used to prototype a racing game. The car model is also pretty neat and there are some cool scripts.
Easily the highest quality example project Unity has made. Looks fantastic, even by today's standards. You can make your own Mass Effect game using these assets.
This project has extremely high quality textures. A lot of very high quality 4K normal map detail textures for example. A single one of these textures was almost 130MB before I compressed it.