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Displaying 11 - 20 of 68 results
Enemy AI in Sunset Overdrive
A fantastic talk by Adam Noonchester on how the AI for the enemies in Sunset Overdrive was implemented.
Fallout 4 mushroom explosions
A very detailed breakdown by Simon Schreibt on how the mushroom explosions in Fallout 4 were made.
Finishing a game
A fantastic article about actually finishing a game by Derek Yu. Useful for any up-and-coming game developer.
This is just the test scene I made for my OBS tutorial, available here: /articles/recording-high-quality-videos-with-open-broadcaster-software ...
Google Chrome just killed the Unity Web Player
Chrome version 42 was just released and by default it disables support for the Unity Web Player, effectively killing it. Chrome has a large market...
Grand Theft Auto 5 graphics study
An amazingly detailed breakdown of the graphics in Grand Theft Auto 5 written by Adrian Courrèges.
How to use Visual Studio with Unity
This is a quick quide on how to use Visual Studio with Unity. Visual Studio is only available for Windows, but a lot of Unity developers on Mac think it's so...
I am not dead
It’s been over 4 months since I’ve updated my website, but I haven't forgotten about it, I’ve just been really busy with other things. I'm current...
I have ads
As you may have noticed there are now ads on my website. Don't worry, I put them there myself. They are through Google Adsense. Ads in general and...
I'm making a Unity version of Daniel Linsson's game Reap
Reap is a beautiful procedurally generated game made in GameMaker by Daniel Linssen for Ludum Dare 34. As a personal challenge I'm attempting to port the ent...