My website has died and gone to heaven

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February 4, 2022 | 4 comments

My website has died and gone to heaven

It's been well over a year since we took down the last remaining physical servers at my work, and my website was hosted on one of these. It happened during a time where I had no time or interest in Unity, game development, this website or anything of the sort so I simply didn't care. I took a backup of it and thought that I would put it back once I regained interest for this stuff… read more

No Man’s Sky: The game that should have been

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November 7, 2016 | 1 comments

No Man’s Sky: The game that should have been

This is the second part of my 2-part series about No Man's Sky. Here I’ll list my thoughts on what I feel No Man's Sky should have been like. I’ve seen many people talk about this, but mostly they're talking about adding features, and this was in my opinion the game’s problem from the start, it has too many already.

No Man’s Sky: The game that never was

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August 25, 2016 | 597 comments

No Man’s Sky: The game that never was

This is the first of a 2-part series I’ll write about No Man’s Sky. In the second part I’ll focus on what I think the game should have been like, here I'll talk about how deceitful I feel Hello Games, the developers of No Man's Sky, and especially their lead developer, Sean Murray, have been with the marketing of the game.

I am not dead

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June 27, 2016 | 14 comments

I am not dead

It’s been over 4 months since I’ve updated my website, but I haven't forgotten about it, I’ve just been really busy with other things.

I'm currently working to finish my Unity port of Daniel Linssen's GameMaker game, Reap, and I've just uploaded a new build which you can try out here:

It's still using the Web Player although I know its days are numbered. I did try a WebGL build first, but there's just no way, it runs at like 5 fps. Hopefully by the time Unity 5.4 is released WebGL has been optimized some. The Web Player still runs in all browsers (Firefox, Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer) except for Google Chrome.

I'm making a Unity version of Daniel Linsson's game Reap

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January 20, 2016 | 1 comments

I'm making a Unity version of Daniel Linsson's game Reap

Reap is a beautiful procedurally generated game made in GameMaker by Daniel Linssen for Ludum Dare 34. As a personal challenge I'm attempting to port the entire game over to Unity even though I know nothing about GameMaker.
